Take no prisoners
a project by Marco Mazzoni
October 21, 2019
- Ma ditemi: che son li segni bui di questo corpo? Dante, Il Paradiso, II, 49-50
I found myself on the morning of the fourth on a sandy plain, basking in the rays of the sun, and sitting on a fragment of rock; for it was sweet to enjoy the genial warmth of which I had so long been deprived. Despair still preyed on my heart. Suddenly a slight sound startled me; I looked round, prepared to fly, but saw no one. On the sunlit sand before me flitted the shadow of a man not unlike my own; and wandering about alone, it seemed to have lost its master. This sight powerfully excited me. “Shadow!” thought I, “art thou in search of thy master? in me thou shalt find him.” And I sprang forward to seize it, fancying that could I succeed in treading so exactly in its traces as to step in its footmarks, it would attach itself to me, and in time become accustomed to me, and follow all my movements.
The shadow, as I moved, took to flight, and I commenced a hot chase after the airy fugitive, solely excited by the hope of being delivered from my present dreadful situation; the bare idea inspired me with fresh strength and vigour.
The shadow now fled towards a distant wood, among whose shades I must necessarily have lost it. Seeing this, my heart beat wild with fright, my ardour increased and lent wings to my speed. I was evidently gaining on the shadow—I came nearer and nearer—I was within reach of it, when it suddenly stopped and turned towards me. Like a lion darting on its prey, I made a powerful spring and fell unexpectedly upon a hard substance. Then followed, from an invisible hand, the most terrible blows in the ribs that anyone ever received. (Adelbert von Chamisso from Peter Schlemihl)
Take No Prisoners investigates the staging in the era of technical reproducibility in an attempt to restore strength to the images and their essence, revealing the hidden and ancestral aura; a play of reflections that makes the expressive potential of representation tangible to trigger a reflection on the effect and the given, the imaginary and the real.
Marco Mazzoni - choreographer, performer and visual artist, he starts studying dance in Florence with Antonietta Daviso, and from 1989 to 1994 in New York at the Merce Cunningham Studio. He is a founding member of Kinkaleri, a collective of artists involved in the performing arts since 1995. In addition to the work done with the group, he has developed his own research in the visual arts, creating a body of work that includes drawing, photography, publishing and performance. In 2013 he founded mazoopub, an independent editorial project that publishes a number of periodical fanzines, in 2016 published atlas soccer (bruno, Venezia) and in 2109 One look is worth ten thousand words (SelfPleasurePubblishing)
He also developed collaboration works with artists such as Lovet/Codagnone, Davide Savorani, Giulia Cenci, Zapruder, Michele Di Stefano Barbara Berti and Jacopo Miliani and in collaboration with Kinkaleri with John Giorno, Invernomuto, Nico Vascellari, Margherita Morgantin, Nation 25, Canedicoda, Riccardo Benassi and Jacopo Bennasi.
salvator rosa