Mario De Vega
November 19, 2016
In the beginning was a crack, a whiplash crack, speed overtaking time, overtaking sound, overtaking ears, installing fear in the history of time, in the history of matter, of man over matter, of man over man, of man over ecology. This dominion over natural phenomena, being able to bend time, space and its matter, goes unseen, under-perceived, barely sensed, but explicit, way too much explicit on the visible end results of its catastrophic tail-strikes. In the beginning was the whip, its crack, its boom, none the less, it, being rudimentary, gives man its taste for nature-bending far more beyond nature. Virilio’s account on velocity has let us sense velocity’s catastrophes and the velocity of its technical progress towards doom. So in the begging was techne, a crack, a whiplash crack. The crack a whip makes, is produced when a section of the whip moves faster than the speed of sound creating a small sonic boom. This threshold, is the threshold of dominion. For loudness bares the invisibility of the unknown, and the master of the whip has well mastered its effects, articulating time, space, bodies and desires, and founding the reign of visibility, it has subjected us as well. See the totemic signs I’ve built for you, the marks I’ve inflicted on you and fear my roar, submit yourself at my command, know my command, and my command only. So in the beginning was a mark - ignoring by fear its roaring causes. In the beginning was the pain that rifted my senses, that rifted my memory, that rifted my knowledge. In the beginning was my awaking to conscious life being created out of your crack, following the marks you have so gently displayed for me, ordered in beautiful patterns of sign systems, consuming only these, my heart beating to the rhythm of your crack, of your marks. In the beginning was a crack, a whiplash crack, speed overtaking time, overtaking sound, overtaking ears, installing fear in the history of time, in the history of matter, of man over matter, of man over man, of man over ecology.
text and photos:
Juan Pablo Macías
Livorno, Italia