kabarè 9/10
(el aire, el signo)

December 10, 2022

An evening of immaterial poetics dedicated to the air:
from Mind Fellows to Cose Cosmiche with sound interventions by Antonio Giuranna and the physicist Giovanni Losurdo of the Virgo interferometer.

The next-to-last kabarè features air, an element to which Carico Massimo has dedicated a collaborative platform curated by Juan Pablo Macías & Alessandra Poggianti: ON AIR since 2020.

Kabarè 9/10 seamlessly involves the succession of immaterial poetics related to this element in no particular order:
Cose Cosmiche brings us closer to the field experience in gravitational wave detection research with physicist Giovanni Losurdo, INFN research executive at the Pisa Section and spokesperson for Virgo, the laser interferometer for gravitational wave detection; we will listen to the outcomes of a sounding of scientific data from the archives of Virgo, on gravitational waves, and of Arpat Toscana, on Livorno air, with the musician and composer Antonio Giuranna; we will witness the cast of things with a Cose Cosmiche’s experiment inspired by Blaise Pascal’s research in the Tour Saint-Jacques in Paris.
Giacomo Donati & Irene Scartoni, Benedetta Chiari & Elisa Pietracito, Elisa Puglisi and Wenzheng Zhang, students winners of Mind Fellowships 2022 - the mind fellowship activated by ON AIR in collaboration with Marco Raffaele and the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence - will propose actions and interventions that conclude a research carried out by these students from the Airchive

Giovanni Losurdo

Antonio Giuranna

Mind Fellows, Cose Cosmiche, Antonio Giuranna and Marco Lenzi

photo and audio: Juan Pablo Macías
